As a professional, you have most likely invested and planned well for the financial side of retirement. But how about the non-financial aspects? That secure financial future didn’t just happen. You had to seek out help and plan well for it. Just like that, a purposeful and fulfilling life after retiring won’t just happen. Don’t let boredom or regret find you. Start planning and living retirement intentionally with Intentional Living Today.
We help you stop looking for time and start making it for what matters most.
“Retirement is not a life without purpose; it's a new chapter with endless possibilities.”— Unknown —
Don't wait to leave a legacy, ignite intentionality and live your legacy now, embodying today what you want to be remembered for tomorrow.
We are dedicated to helping you achieve more than fleeting modifications or flash in the pan results. Our approach to equipping and coaching helps you experience transformative change and reach meaningful goals with healthy intentionality. What makes this possible is what is at the heart of our approach, the core practices of intentional living.
We help you steer clear of intentionality's unhealthy cousins (rigidity, obsession, and perfectionism) and move towards wise, agile engagement in all of life's opportunities, challenges, and changes...
“Working with Intentional Living Today for the past few years has brought about lasting change that has positively impacted me, my family, and my team. If you’re looking to grow and make changes on a deep level, ILT is the place to start!”
— Clint Martin, DMD —
“I have been working with Greg for almost a year. His methodology, guidance and insightful questions have helped me hone in on the areas of focus that are most important to me, set goals and establish actions to achieve. When my momentum has stalled, he has helped me get back on track and make measurable progress. It is a pleasure to work with him and I know his coaching will continue to help me achieve my goals.”
— Anne Warth — (Retired Marketing Professional | Collaborative Leader | Toastmaster |
Girl Scouts lifetime member | 6 Sigma Black Belt)
“This is an area of retirement that is seldom, if ever, discussed in a structured data-driven type way. Most of the discussions regarding personal retirement readiness take place at a peer level or with family in a very informal manner. There seems to be almost an assumption that if one is financially secure in retirement that their retirement will be successful. This session challenges that notion and provides some very valuable perspective and tools to think much more deeply about the ‘emotional’ side of retirement.”
— David —
“Very helpful and insightful. Having recently lost my job, it would have helped to have taken this BEFORE that happened, because I realized I did not have a plan for any of this except the financial. The stress of the layoff was not financial because I knew our plan and how close we were to retirement. I was not prepared for the social/emotional side of being home. Between the 10 weeks I have been off and meeting with a life coach before this, and now this seminar [workshop], I feel SO much better about how to approach retirement!”
— Lisa Plantamura —
“I found the discussion valuable and has helped me get on the journey to planning for the non-financial side of retirement. It has been a good start.”
— Director at Caterpillar —
“Content was Excellent (Retirement Workshop)”
— Gary Davies — Director of Global Procurement at Caterpillar