Father’s Day– a day to honor and celebrate our fathers for the impact they have had on our lives. I hope all you fathers had a wonderful day. While my day was filled with much love, surrounded by my Nikki and the kids, it also was bittersweet, as my mind was gripped by the reminder that this year marked the 20th without my dad.
St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.”
No individual in my life lived this quote more than my father. A man who passionately stood up for what he believed – and a man you rarely needed to ask him for his beliefs because his actions said it all. He loved God and his faith was unwavering right up to his final breath – he loved his kids, as we will all cherish our memories of getting the biggest bear hug you can imagine – and he loved his wife (my mom).
It was those memories of Dad that were triggered several years back when I heard legendary Wheaton College football coach, Mike Swider, speak on the topic of his ‘3 Truths’. That day Coach Swider explained how every night before he put his kids to bed, he would remind them of “3 Truths” he believed every child should know and never question.
- God loves you – no matter what you do, you can’t lose His love.
- I love you – no matter what you do, you can’t lose my love.
- I love your mom – no matter what we go through, I will always love your mom.
Swider went on to explain the impact repeating this message had on the lives of his children, and inspired, I immediately adopted the philosophy, adding it to our bedtime routine. While our kids are now teenagers and their bedtime routine looks different, I have no doubt that if I asked Ben or Ava, “What are the three truths?”, they would confidently provide the answers. You see, sharing the ‘3 Truths’ was a natural fit for me as I watched my father model them for the 23 years I had with him. He was a Godly man who put his faith first – a father who loved us kids with tremendous passion – and a husband whose devotion to his wife was unwavering.
Therefore, while my dad never verbalized Swider’s ‘3 Truths’ in one conversation, the life he lived spoke louder than any words could have. And as a result, I now do my best to follow his modeling, hoping one day Ben and Ava might say that same about me long after I am gone. Stoic philosopher Seneca, once said, “Great is the man who makes you better, not only when he is with you, but when he is in your thoughts.”
My father was a great man, evidenced by these thoughts I share 20 years after his passing…
Coming off Father’s Day weekend, let me encourage both fathers and mothers to let your actions speak. Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary, use words. None of us know how much time we have left with those we love, and the thoughts we leave behind will be our silent preaching, observed.
INTENTIONAL LIVING CALL TO ACTION: Let the actions you want to be remembered by speak loudly